Cloud, On-Premises, and Hybrid Solutions

TCO/ROI Business Case Justification

Quickly calculate and determine the cost-optimized vendor agnostic infrastructure solution for your workloads and applications enabling:

Side-by-side TCO/ROI comparisons of cloud, on-premises, hybrid and/or multi-cloud solutions.

Actionable financial supported decisions.

Cost-effectiveness and sustained value throughout the asset lifecycle.

Software Licensing Optimization

Ensure expensive application software is always running on-premises or in the cloud, at the lowest cost and best performance. Precision IT’s comprehensive software catalogue and analytics enables you to:

Model existing licensed software vs. new infrastructure to find the optimal infrastructure to lower software costs.

Reduce software license and support cost by 70%.

Compare competitive alternatives to help with license negotiations.

Cloud and Server Relative Performance Metrics

Composite Performance Metric (CPM), is a relative performance estimate for public cloud skus and on-premise servers. CPM enables you to make direct, head-to-head comparisons between cloud skus and servers.

CPM is comprised of multiple benchmark sources (SAP SD Two-Tier, TPC-C, SPECjbb2015, SPECrate2017_int, SPECrate2017_fp).

CPM data covers AWS, MS Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and IBM Power Systems Virtual Server clouds.

CPM data covers all processor configuration options for x86, IA-64 and RISC servers for major vendors from 2010 onward.

Automated Capacity Planning

Our unique Composite Performance Metrics (CPM) cloud and server relative performance values enable objective, head-to-head comparisons across cloud and server vendors’ products and configurations enabling organizations to quickly estimate current and future performance requirements and budgets.

On-premises servers: Predict server demand, optimizing resource allocation and reducing downtime.

Cloud: Recommends optimal cloud configurations, rightsizing instances for cost savings.

Hybrid, multi-cloud, private: Dynamically allocates workloads across platforms for cost-effectiveness and scalability.

Environmental Costs

Understand the environmental costs and carbon emissions of your current data center vs. new infrastructure solutions. The Precision platform quantifies existing environmentals vs. proposed savings in power, cooling, and carbon emissions for any new on-premises, hybrid and/or cloud solution.

Assess environmental costs and carbon emissions of current data center versus new infrastructure options.

Utilize Precision platform to quantify existing environmental impact and potential savings in power, cooling, and carbon emissions.

Apply analysis to on-premises, hybrid, or cloud solutions to optimize environmental efficiency and reduce overall impact.

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